For some reason I get a lot of questions in my inbox about different SharePoint problems people have. I don’t mind, as long as they are polite. If I have time I do try to help out, but sometimes time is not enough. I’m sorry if I don’t answer all of them. But in order to help more people I have compiled a set of rules for SharePoint Troubleshooting.
First rule of of SharePoint troubleshooting: You should always check the ULS logs The Trace Logs, often called ULS Logs, is where you find your answer to most of your problems. Always use ULS Viewer - if you do not have that tool in your kit, then you’re out on thin ice, period! Check the correlation id, search for exceptions and warnings. Things I almost always find the answer to here is “file not founds” (404) and “Access Denied”s (401). If you cannot find it immediately in the logs and you can re-create the problem, turn up the logging level to Verbose.