This Wednesday the SharePoint User Group Sweden (#SSUG) had an awesome meeting sponsored  by Sogeti at Hotel Anglais in Stockholm. The event was sold out when announced in a few hours and we had to change conference room a few times at the hotel to fit everyone. More than 80 people showed up - our new record that we have to beat the next time.

On the agenda for the day was first Christoffer von Sabsay (Sogeti) presenting about the Handelshögskolan SharePoint 2007 WCM case. A great presentation with a good deal of tips and tricks. MVP Göran Husman (Humandata) was up next presenting about the offline capabilities in SharePoint 2010 and Office 2010, also an interesting session with good insight how to combine Office, SharePoint Workspace and SharePoint for optimal flexibility. Last, but not least, I (Wictor Wilén, Connecta) did a session about SharePoint 2010 licensing and the related products. For me it was a good exercise to dig in to the gazillion options of SharePoint licensing.

You can download the presentations here (all in Swedish):

Thanks to all speakers, sponsors and to the attendees (especially those who shared a pint at the hotel bar :-)

If you would like to speak, attend or host upcoming Swedish SharePoint User Group meetings - please contact me.