SharePoint Framework (SPFx) is a fantastic development model on top of (modern) SharePoint, for user interface extensibility, and it have evolved tremendously over the last year since it became general available. The framework is based on JavaScript extensibility in a controlled manner, compared to the older JavaScript injection mechanisms we used to extend (classic) SharePoint, that comes with a lot of power.

Using SharePoint Framework our JavaScript has access to the whole DOM in the browser, meaning that we can do essentially what we want with the user interface – however, of course, we shouldn’t, only certain parts of the DOM are allowed/supported for modification. These areas are the custom client-side Web Parts we build (that squared box) or specific place holders (currently only two of them; top and bottom). For me that’s fine (although there’s a need for some more placeholders), but if you want to destroy the UX it is all up to you.

In our client-side solutions we can call out to web services and fetch data and present to the user and even allow the end-user to manipulate this data. For a while now we’ve had limited access to Microsoft Graph, where Microsoft has done the auth plumbing for us, and now in the latest version (1.4.1) a whole new set of API’s to both call Microsoft Graph, with our own specified permission scopes, and even custom web services protected by Azure AD. Very convenient and you can build some fantastic (demo) solutions with this to show the power of UX extensibility in SharePoint Online.

However – there are some serious security disadvantages that you probably don’t think or even care of if you’re a small business, a happy hacker or just want to build stuff. For me – designing and building solutions for larger enterprises this scares me and my clients…a lot!


Some perspective

Let’s take a step back and think about JavaScript injections (essentially SPFx is JavaScript injections – just with a fancier name and in a somewhat controlled way). It’s all very basic things, but from recent “social conversations” it seems like “people” forget.

JavaScript running on a web page, has all the power that an end-user has, one could say even more power, since it can do stuff the user doesn’t see or is aware of. I already mentioned that JavaScript can modify the DOM – like hiding, adding or moving elements around. But it can also execute code, that is not necessarily visible. A good example is for instance to use Microsoft Application Insights to log the behavior of the user or the application – seems like a good thing in most cases (although I don’t think that many users of AppInsights understand how GDPR affects this – but that’s another discussion). We could also use JavaScript to call web services, using the information we have on the page to manipulate the state of the page, and also send data from our page to another page. All without the user noticing it. For good or for bad…let’s come back to the latter in a minute or so.

No Script sites and the NoScript flag

Before SharePoint Framework Microsoft introduced “No Script” sites to mitigate the issue with arbitrary JavaScript running in sites and pages. All modern Team sites, based on Office 365 Groups, and OneDrive sites are No Script sites. You can as an admin control the behavior of newly created SharePoint Sites using the settings in the SharePoint admin center (under settings):

Bad settings for this…

Depending on when your tenant was created (before or after the addition of this setting) your default settings may be different. My recommendation is, of course, to Prevent users from running custom scripts, to ensure that you don’t get some rogue scripts in there (see below).

This setting can also be set on individual sites using the following SharePoint Online PowerShell command:

-DenyAddAndCustomizePages 0

More information here: “Allow or prevent custom script

This setting on a site not only affects JavaScript injections it also prohibits the use of Sandbox solutions and the use of SharePoint Designer – all good things!

Script Editor Web Part – the wolf in sheep clothes

“Our favorite” SharePoint extensibility mechanism, specifically for the citizen developers (or whatever you prefer calling them), has been the Script Editor Web Part (SEWP). As an editor of a site in SharePoint we can just drag the SEWP onto a page and add arbitrary scripts to get our job done and we’re done.

The aforementioned No Script setting will make the Script Editor Web Part unavailable on these sites.

The Script Editor Web Part does not exist in modern SharePoint. The whole idea with modern SharePoint and SPFx is that we (admins/editors) should have a controlled and managed way to add customizations to a site – and of course SEWP is on a collision course with that. Having that option would violate the whole idea.

You can read much more about this in the SharePoint Patterns and Practices article called “Migrate existing Script Editor Web Part customizations to the SharePoint Framework”.

But, there is now a “modern” version of the Script Editor Web Part available as a part of the SharePoint Patterns and Practices samples repository (which is a bit of a shocker to me). This solution is bypassing the whole idea of SharePoint Framework – controlled and governed JavaScript in SharePoint Online. And of course this is being used by a lot of users/tenants – since it’s simple and it works. If  you do use this solution you really should continue reading this…

SharePoint Framework and Microsoft Graph = power?

How does this relate to SharePoint Framework then? As I said, with SharePoint Framework we now have a very easy way to access the Microsoft Graph (and other Azure AD secured end-points) with pre-consented permission scopes. As a developer when you build a SharePoint Framework solution you can ask to be granted permissions to the Microsoft Graph and other resources. The admin grants these permissions in the new SharePoint Online admin center under API management.

API Management in new SPO admin center

For instance you want to build a Web Part that shows the e-mail or calendar on your portal page, you might want to have access to read and write information to tasks. The possibilities are endless and that is great, or is it?

I think this is a huge area of concern. Imagine these user stories:

As a user I would like to see my calendar events on my Intranet” – pretty common request I would say. This requires the SPFx Web Part developer to ask for permissions to read the users calendar.

“As a user I would like to see and be able to update my Planner tasks” – another very common request. This requires the SPFx Web Part developer to ask for Read and Write access to all Groups (that’s just how it is…).

Both these scenarios opens up your SharePoint Online solution for malicious attacks in a very severe way. Of course the actual permission has to be approved by an admin – but how many admins do really understand what’s happening when the business cries “we need this feature”.

Note: this is not just a SharePoint Framework issue, but SPFx makes it so easy that you probably don’t see the forest for the trees. And this is also true for many of these “Intranet-in-a-box” vendors that has made their similar service to access mail/calendars etc from the Graph. It’s still JavaScript and if you allow a single user to add a script it can be misused.

Rogue scripts

Once you have granted permissions to the Microsoft Graph, by a single request from that fancy calendar Web Part, all other scripts in the whole tenant has those permissions. So your seemingly harmless Web Part has suddenly exposed your calendar for reading to any other Web Part. Assume that now the admin installs a weather Web Part (downloaded or acquired from a third party). This weather Web Part is now also allowed to read the users e-mail, even though it did not request it. And if that vendor goes rogue or already is, he or she can without the users knowing send all the calendar or e-mail details away to a remote server, while just displaying the weather. This requires some social engineering of course to make the admin install this Web Part. But what about allowing the modern Script Editor Web Part! And you piss an employee off…with just some simple JavaScript knowledge this user can then create a sweet looking cat-of-the-day web part or even a hidden one with the Modern Script Editor Web Part. Then send the boss to that page, and read all the bosses calendar events or e-mails, sending them to some random location somewhere…

You still think this is a good idea?


And what about the second user story; where we need full read and write to all the groups, just to be able to manipulate tasks in Planner. It’s not much you can do, if you’re building this web part – you are opening up for so many more possibilities for “working with” groups and its associated features. This is not a SharePoint Framework thing, but a drawback in how Microsoft Graph works with permissions and the lack of contextual or fine-grained scopes in Azure AD. Same goes for reading/writing data from SharePoint sites – Azure AD/Microsoft Graph cannot restrict you to a single site or list – you have access to all of them.

Remember how SharePoint Add-ins have Site Collection or list scoped permissions. I guess you all remember how we complained back then as well. That was some sweet days and we really want those features back. Well, we still have them – SharePoint add-ins are probably the best way to protect the users and your IP still…

As I stated above, of course all SPFx solutions has to be added to the tenant app catalog – but, we also have the option of a site collection scoped catalog. So that’s another vector for insertion of seemingly nice solutions that can take advantage of the permissions you granted on a tenant level.

The grey area between modern and classic sites

Currently most SharePoint Online tenants is in a transition period between classic and modern sites. That is, they have built their SharePoint Online environment based on the “classic way” of building stuff, most often requiring script enabled sites. And now they want to transition to modern sites, without these scripting capabilities. Should they just add the new modern Script Editor Web Part or should they turn of scripting for all sites?

If you turn this off I can almost guarantee that a lot of your sites will be useless. And in many cases your whole Intranet – specifically this happens with many of the “Intranet-in-a-box” vendor solutions. So be careful.

So, what should I do?

If you still think it is very valuable to build solutions with SPFx and Microsoft Graph the first thing you MUST do is to ensure that there is not a single site in your tenant with scripting enabled. You can do a quick check for this with this sample PowerShell command:

 get-sposite | 
  ?{$_.DenyAddAndCustomizePages -eq 'Disabled'}

This will list all the site collections which still allow JavaScript execution using the Script Editor Web Part for instance. If there’s a single site in here, stop what you’re doing and don’t even consider granting SPFx any permissions.

I wish we had this kind of notification and warning in the permission grant page in the new SharePoint Admin center. To make it very obvious for admins.

Secondly, be very thoughtful on what solutions you are installing in your app catalog. Do you know the vendor, do you know their code, is their code hosted in a vendor CDN (warning signs – since they can update this without you knowing) etc? Do you have multiple vendors? Who have access to do this?

So, you really need to do a proper due diligence of the code you let into your SharePoint Online tenant.

A note on the CDN issue; when you add a SPFx solution to the app catalog all “registered” external script locations are listed. But this is not a guarantee. It’s only those that are registered in the manifest. As a developer you can request other resources dynamically without having them show up on this screen.


I hope that this gave you the chills, and that you start reflecting on these seemingly harmless weather web parts that you install. You as an admin, developer or purchaser of SharePoint Online customizations MUST think this over.

  1. Do we have a plan to move from script enabled sites to ALL sites with no custom scripts enabled
  2. Do we have the knowledge and skill to understand what our developers and vendors are adding to our SharePoint Online tenant
  3. Do we understand the specific permission requirements needed

I also hope (and know) that the SharePoint Framework product team listens, this is an area which needs to be addressed. We want to build these nicely integrated solutions, but we cannot do it on behalf of security concerns. And it’s NOT about security in SharePoint or SharePoint Framework it is about how web browsers work. What we need is:

  1. Visibility – make it visible to the admins what is really happening in their tenant; script enabled sites, SEWP instances etc.
  2. Isolation – we need to be able to isolate our web parts, so that they and their permissions scopes cannot be intercepted or misused. In the web world I guess that Iframes is the only solution
  3. Granularity - Azure AD permission granularity – it’s not sustainable to give your applications these broad permissions (Group Write All). I want to give my app access to write in one Planner plan only and not in all groups.

Thanks for reaching the end! I oversimplified some parts, but if you have any concerns, questions or issues with my thinking – don’t hesitate to debate, confront, question or agree with this post.