Since the news broke out that XML Paper Specification was submitted to ECMA International bloggers and authors has gone wild, here is a collection of reflections and reactions on it. Most reactions come from the say no to Microsoft team.
Andy Updegrove declares “game over” for open standards and in my opinion; his post and thoughts declares game over for innovation!
War and PDF: Microsoft submits XPS to standards body - ars technica
Microsoft and ECMA: Together again, doing it again by Bob Sutor. He has a point; ECMA should not have the primary focus of getting the ECMA standard to be a copy of the XPS specification. Pretty stupid and non-diplomatic statement by Microsoft and ECMA, this is what the wolves are looking for…
Hurray for ECMA TC46 - John Obeto praises ECMA.
Why do we have to settle with the standard that was submitted first, why can’t we have the option to choose the one fitting our needs best. Isn’t it the most important thing that we have well-known, well-documented and controlled standards? I’m getting quite bored on this constant battle between the different communities…