Here goes a post, in which I am really upset!

One of our customers has implemented a new VPN solution that requires us to have McAfee or Symantecs anti-virus programs. I have been using Grisoft AVG for a long time and are very satisified with that one, but they don’t accept it so I had to change. If you have not tried AVG out, then do it, it’s free for personal use.

Since I live in Sweden I wen’t to the swedish McAfee site, signed up for the software and payed with my credit card, good rebates and everyting was fine. Then I logged in to my McAfee account and clicked on the link to start the installation.

First annoyance: no option for a separate download only a direct in-browser installation was available.

Second annoyance: I’m using Internet Explorer 7 and the menu appeared to far away from the link that it came out of focus when trying to click it so it disappeared. Solution: use the tab key and enter key.

After a few blocked pop-ups and ActiveX control warnings it started downloading.

Third annoyance: to many ActiveX controls were involved!

The download started out fine; downloading virus signatures, program and setup script. Then it asked me to save a shortcut on the desktop to be able to continue installation after a reboot, I clicked yes. Then an actual program started and the installation continued. Bang - a dialog appeared stating that the installation cannot continue without reason why. The recommendation was to reboot and try again.

I rebooted and looked for the shortcut on the desktop to continue, no shortcut but there were a lot of files remaining in the Program Files folder.

Fourth annoyance: should not a failed installation remove all of the remains?

I uninstalled my previous AV software and made sure all applications was shut down and redid the procedure again - same error.

I booted into safe mode redid the procedure once again - same error.

Okey, let’s try Firefox: “please upgrade your internet browser” with a link to the Microsoft Internet Explorer site.

Fifth annoyance: not supporting Firefox!

By now I am furious, I have to get connected to my client since they have an urgent support incident! I took a walk around the office to calm down and went back to my computer.

I went to the US McAfee site and logged into my account and there I finally found a normal download link in which I could download a small program that did the installation and after a while (while writing this post and rebooting once) I was up and running!

But, yes a but, the ActiveShield features was not installed!

Searched through the McAfee support database with no luck and finally came to the McAfee Virtual Technician (another ActiveX control) that scans your machine for problems with the McAfee software. It found some problems and fixed them. Now I could see a menu with the Virus Scan options but all of them led to a dialog stating that The feature is not install, please reinstall!

This led med to uninstall McAfee Security Center. Control Panel -> Add Remove Programs! After uninstalling some of the components and restarting again (not everything could be removed at once) I tried to uninstall the last bits, the Security Center, it stated Legacy programs must be removed first. What the heck!

After some fiddling I managed to find a folder under Program Files called that I removed and then I was able to remove the last bits and of course reboot once more.

Sixth annoynace: Uninstall programs should be able to uninstall and requiring at the most one reboot and should not include any manual removal not mentioned anywhere!!

So I downloaded it once more and proceded with the installation. This time it went fine! Phew…

This costed me almost a whole day to figure out, to bad that our client won’t be compensated by McAfee nor me for the lousy ActiveX based installation program used on the Swedish site. I feel sorry for all people trying to install an Anti-Virus program and are not that experienced with computers…